Game Reviews
Root Review
“Oh, look at those cute little woodland creature meeples,” I can hear you saying. Root certainly has all the looks of a carefree romp...
Wingspan Review
“Here. Review this,” said Tony as he tossed a game at me from 15 feet in the air. He was perched in the bucket...
Dominion Review
About 5 years ago, Donald X. Vaccarino came up with the idea of making a game around building your play deck during the game,...
Ticket to Ride: Europe Review
Whenever I visited my grandparents as a child, one of the first things I played with was their train set. They had a massive...
Exit: The Game Review
Note: This is a spoiler free review of EXIT: The Game.
Escape Rooms are an incredibly fast growing trend. About 5 years ago, I had...
Photosynthesis Review
Can you judge a game by its cover? Probably not, or else many of those eurogames would be tragically bad (Caylus, I'm looking at...
Villainous Review
It's good to be bad... right? In the world of licensed games, especially in the Disney brand, the heroes get all the love. Rarely...