Home Interviews
Sherwin Matthews (lead designer of Elden Ring) Interview
I love board games. I love video games. I love coop games. I had a chance to play Horizon Zero Dawn, and while I...
Interview with MAGE Company
Recently we had a chance to spend some time chatting with Alex and Michael of MAGE Company. They have been publishing games for a...
Interview with Kevin Burkhardsmeier of Game Toppers
When I wandered the exhibit hall at Gen Con, I stopped by the Mayday games booth to check out the new games they had...
Interview with Brad Talton Jr. of Level 99 Games
A little while ago I had a chance to pick the brain of game designer and publisher Brad Talton Jr. Brad is the founder...
Interview with Game Designer/Publisher Ignacy Trzewiczek
I recently had a chance to chat a bit with board game designer and publisher, Ignacy Trzewiczek. Despite beating out even Corey Konieczka for...
Interview with Standard Action
Last week I had a chance to spend some time having a dialogue with a couple of cast members from the award winning...
Interview with Game Designer Eric Lang
I recently had a chance to chat with legendary game designer Eric Lang. I reached out to him during his highly successfully Kaosball Kickstarter...