Rumblings From The Deep
Home Rumblings From The Deep
The Place Where Everyone Knows Your Name – in Support of your Friendly Local...
The board game industry has developed a number of fantastic resources in the past decade in order to promote gaming, help newcomers, and expand...
Kickstarter Exclusives
Unless you are very new to our hobby, chances are you’ve at least browsed a tabletop game on Kickstarter at some point. In my...
Board Game Innovation
Welcome to the newest section of Board Game Quest, Rumblings from the Deep. I’ve wanted to start this for a while as a place...
The “Postumus Opening” in Time of Crisis
Thanks to the wonderful “Rally the Troops” gaming website, I’ve played many, many games of GMT’s Time of Crisis (designed by Wray Farrell and...
Brutal But Not Mean: A Tasty Tidbit from Food Chain Magnate
Chris from the excellent "Board Game Hot Takes" podcast recently asked me about Food Chain Magnate (FCM) and the sometimes-expressed feeling that it is...
Crowdfunding as an Investment
“You can sell it if you don’t like it.”
“Backing this game is a good investment.”
“You can back for a dollar now and put more...
How Kickstarter Killed the Completionist in Me
My journey into tabletop gaming is probably similar to many others. At some point in the early 2000s, I was introduced to The Settlers...